Really helpful guide from Oxford Owl providing information for parents about the teaching of phonics. Includes definitions and audio guides about how to pronounce the phonemes.
Really helpful guide from Oxford Owl providing information for parents about the teaching of phonics. Includes definitions and audio guides about how to pronounce the phonemes.
Child’s Play’s Parent Zone has activities and interactive games to help support reading for younger children.
Videos, games and activities to support maths learning at home produced by Oxford Owl.
KS3 & KS4
Dr Frost offers a range of videos, examples and exercises to support parents with maths in secondary level.
Oxford Owl have produced a helpful glossary of grammatical terms for parents.
KS1 & KS2
Oxford Owl have produced a breakdown of the key learning for each year group for parents. It includes definitions and examples of each skill in context.
This website from London Grid for Learning (LGfL) is tailored for the KS3 curriculum. There are reading, grammar, writing, author, poetry and curriculum support sections, all with ideas and videos to support key learning. This will help parents with the subject knowledge they need to support their child.
Maths is fun website is a great place to support subject knowledge, with clear explanations for both parents and pupils.
This is a great resource to help parents with the maths vocabulary children use. It gives clear examples with images.
This site offers easy videos to support parents with maths in all year groups. Choose the year group and then select a topic such as fractions and then parents can watch videos with their children on each aspect.
Reading guide from the Education Endowment Foundation for parents on how to support home routines and in particular shared reading.
KS1 & KS2
Oxford Owl support for parents to help them in developing their children’s writing. It includes the key aspects of the national curriculum and activity ideas for each year group.