Challenge and Support Partner (CSP) – primary, secondary and special


This service provides advice, support and challenge to school leaders and governors. Our CSP team are professionals who have experience at headship, executive headship and/or local authority level leadership, as well as experience with Ofsted inspections. They have detailed knowledge of current legislation and educational thinking, as well as expertise of work in other local authorities.
We provide a bespoke service to maintained schools or academies to fit with your school’s individual ethos, priorities and challenges.

Our package of three days of support can be used across the year to meet your needs. The service can also be purchased on a pay-as-you-go basis.
Our service can provide:

  • professional challenge with an impact on school improvement
  • headteacher performance management and recruitment
  • support and training for leaders, governing boards and middle leadership
  • whole school and subject reviews
  • support with analysis of data and other evidence
  • support for school self-evaluation, strategic planning; impact evaluation; and change management processes.
  • Support days can be used to work with individual schools.
  • The team can also work with groups of schools collaborating together.

For South Gloucestershire schools

  •  Our team work at alliance hub level helping its leadership evaluate its performance, identify priorities for improvement and plan effective change
  • They also act for the local authority providing a channel for local authority communication about school improvement with the school.

For further discussion and costs please contact Jo Briscombe, on or 01454 863349.