Home Learning News
5th August
5 competitions added to Enter Competitions
28th July
Send me a pic? added to Stay Safe
7th July
Weekly RE Task added to Religious Education
26th June
Weekly RE Task added to Religious Education
Activities added to the Keep Active section
18th June
“Calm and Happy” resources added to our SEN area
“Keep Active” resources added to our SEN area
“Be Creative” ideas also added!
9th June
Weekly Maths and English quiz added to Enter Competitions
3rd June
Weekly Maths quiz added to Enter Competitions
21st May
Barefoot Computing added to Get Computing
EAL Hub, Stories for children and Mantra Lingua added to Learning English (EAL)
19th May
Maths and English weekly quiz added to Competitions
Top tips to support reading at home added to English Reading
Planning the day added to Wellbeing
Weekly RE tasks added to Religious Education
18th May
Internet Matters, Digital 5 a day, Sharing pictures, Online contact, Using parental controls, Gaming what parents need to know and Net Aware added to Stay Safe
14th May
Weekly RE tasks added to Religious Education
4 War projects, At Home with Aerospace Bristol and Yate Heritage Centre added to Projects
7th May
Maths is Fun and Maths Playground added to Maths Skills
Count On and Wild Maths added to Maths Challenges
6th May
7 Puzzle Blog, Maths Life, Maths with paper, Family card games, 2 metre challenges added to Maths Challenges
English Teaching & Learning Resources, The Book of Hopes, Phonics Lessons, Reading Well, Phonics Screening and KS3 Reading Intervention added to English Reading
5th May
Child Accident Prevention Trust added to Stay Safe
Bear Grylls 100 free indoor activities added to Be Creative
VE day links added to Projects
Childnet links added to Stay Safe
4th May
Week 4 English and Maths competitions added and answers to week 3 competitions.
1st May
Booktrust: Home Time, Oxford Owl: Home Learning, BBC Teach, Audible, Reading Zone and Free Classic Texts added to English Reading
Grammar Explained, Minecraft: English Lessons and Ideas, BBC Teach and Reading Zone added to English Writing
What is Ramadan? added to Religious Education
Design a Stamp added to Enter Competitions
30th April
Making Galaxy Playdough added to Sensational Resources – Be Creative
Creative projects for a space topic added to Be Creative
29th April
Behind the Scenes of a Travelling Circus added to English Reading
Christy’s dream added to English Writing
In My Home added to Projects
28th April
Religious Education Weekly learning
27th April
Week 3 English and Maths competitions added and answers to week 2 competitions.
21st April
Dice Cricket, Dice Games and Maths at Home Nrich added to Maths Challenges.
At the bottom of the home learning home page we have added a link to the BBC Bitesize daily lessons.