Internal audit services to academies
Our team of experienced public sector internal auditors provide audit services to South Gloucestershire schools and academies. We work as your partner to review key function efficiencies within your academy trust and have a track record of recommending measures that give improved value for money, without compromising control assurance.
We are constantly developing our services in partnership with the schools we have worked with and adapt in the light of any changing guidance. Feedback we have received shows that our recommendations and assurances have proved invaluable to management, governors and trustees in academies we have supported.
We are also specialist computer, contract and VFM auditors, providing you with access to best practice policies and procedures.
We will undertake systems checks, in accordance with the Academies financial handbook and in accordance with best practice guidance on internal scrutiny, to provide independent assurance to the Academy Trust Board that:
- the financial responsibilities of the board are being properly discharged
- resources are managed in an efficient, economical and effective manner
- sound systems of internal financial control are being maintained
- financial considerations are fully taken into account when making decisions.
In consultation with the Academy Trust’s management we will prepare an audit plan to meet the requirements of the Academies financial handbook. The plan will be presented to the Academy Trust Board before the start of the academic year, to ensure the board is fully informed of our plan and has the opportunity to comment.
This plan will be reviewed annually with management in light of the current risks facing the Academy Trust and the number of days will be detailed in the quotation supplied to the academy.
Our support package includes:
- financial planning and budget setting, monitoring and reporting arrangements, treasury management procedures, management of overall cash flow and reconciliations of all key control and bank accounts
- strategic planning
- payroll including starters and leavers, variations to pay and standing data
- collection of income and debtor control
- purchasing, including assurances of a robust procurement strategy
- risk management and governance arrangements
- personnel procedures: safer recruitment procedures including criminal records check bureau procedures
- VAT procedures
- compliance with safeguarding policies
- internal communications
- management of assets
- data protection and freedom of information
- whistleblowing procedures.
We can also offer a suite of IT audits which include:
- IT acquisitions and software licensing
- IT security
- compliance with the ICT strategy
- business continuity planning and disaster recovery.
We also offer a full assurance report service to contribute to compliance with the internal scrutiny requirements in the Academies financial handbook. This includes a management assurance questionnaire and annual summary assurance report for submission to the ESFA.
Our auditors can also be available to attend audit committee, or equivalent for your trust.
If you require further information about the services outlined above, please email: